Be prepared for the future with knowledge!
During a virtual event this week commemorating Disability Pride Month and the 34th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the New Jersey Department of Human Services and Office of Innovation launched a new web resource for people with disabilities and those who support them. The Disability Information Hub brings together into one place the wide variety of resources available through the State and other organizations for people with disabilities, caregivers, families, and advocates.
Governor Murphy’s press release about the Hub’s launch offers a glimpse into the many levels of collaboration that went into developing this statewide tool, as well as the focus on ensuring the Hub meets WCAG and Section 508 accessibility requirements and is easy to navigate for people with all types of disabilities.
To learn more or for help navigating the site, watch Learn about the NJ Disability Information Hub (also available with audio description and transcript). There is also a Caregiver Quick Start Guide to the Hub that you can view or download and print.
Please share this valuable resource with your networks and across your social media platforms!
The next DDD Update Webinar is scheduled for Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend. Register Now for the August 22 DDD Update Webinar.
Visit the New Jersey Voter Information Portal to get started!
One way we help families advocate is by hosting quarterly meetings on specific topics related to the disability service system. All of these meetings are free and offered in a hybrid format through Zoom. Attached are flyers for our March 2nd quarterly meeting on housing for individuals with disabilities. We will have family members share their experience finding or creating housing opportunities for their loved one. In addition, Tricia Brennan from the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities will speak about the Community Care Program Waiting List and what to expect when you reach the top of the list. Finally, Diane Riley from the Supportive Housing Association will present on the programs that her organization has to related to housing, including Housing Navigators and Housing Hubs.
You can find more information about us on our website here.
March 15, 2024 | Issue 55
Registration is now open for Transition Law Day - Limited Space is available!
This event is co-sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible through funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey.
Transition Law Day Registration is Open! New Resource on Medicaid Renewals Available (pdf)